10 Time Management Tips for College Students

Many college students try to attempt to juggle too many tasks at once, but this habit of constantly multi-tasking can do more harm than good. I think that one of the most common assumptions students entering college make is that they automatically posses the skills and know-how to manage their time.  However, researchers (and myself) agree that time management is a skill that must acquired through practice. The modern student has to balance class; often a part time job, friends, a social life, potentially a boyfriend or girlfriend, extra-circulars, and their family back home. This delicate balancing act requires a lot of practice to make it work.

One of the best ways to deal with an overload of schoolwork is to learn some common time management skills– and here are ten ways to do just that.

1. Create a to-do list.

This is pretty self-explanatory and a really common tip, yet not a lot of students have considered making it a habit to keep note of the important tasks they must attend to everyday. You can’t trust your memory with everything– when you are faced with tons of projects and schoolwork everyday, surely, you will forget a task or two.

Aside from creating a list, make sure you organize it in a way you can understand. Organize your tasks into levels of priority or into groups: tasks for school, work, family, and so on and so forth.

Additional tip: Use different colored highlighters to designate different categories of events (family, class, work, ect.)

2. Break your tasks into chunks.

Breaking your tasks into smaller chunks will help you manage them and know where to begin. Many college students have found it difficult to start with their projects and reports because they find themselves overwhelmed. That doesn’t have to be the case anymore if you apply this easy, helpful tip during your daily work.

3. Organize your backpack and your work station.

The average college student is rarely seen without his or her backpack. After all, it contains his books, paper, pen, laptop and other learning equipment. The backpack is basically where a student keeps everything he needs to learn and pass college.

Now, wouldn’t it save you more time if you could locate anything you needed the moment you opened your backpack?

4. Do not multi-task, but manage your time instead.

Multi-tasking is actually nothing impressive– it’s not a skill, it’s not even helpful! When you multi-task, you divide your concentration on so many things, it actually becomes more difficult for you to retain information or even do anything properly. You exhaust your energy much faster and you risk making more mistakes. Multi-tasking is not only unnecessary, it is also stressful and it encourages ‘cramming’ or doing a variety of things all at once.

At this point, you should forget about multi-tasking completely and focus more on pre-emptive strategies so you aren’t left in a jam.

5. Create a schedule.

It doesn’t have to be a highly-detailed schedule; simply jotting down your engagements for the day in a calendar organizer will help you remember what must be done first and keep you on track.

6. Do your most important tasks first.

Simply put, prioritize tasks that need to be submitted early or tasks that you find extremely important. It is advisable to work on projects that are due early or projects that take a lot of time to finish. Spend at least 5 minutes everyday organizing your tasks (see number 1) and work on your top priorities list.

7. Work during your peak hours.

We all have our own peak hours. Peak hours may be defined as that time of day when you are most alert and active. Once you know your peak hours, you’ll know when to schedule your study or “working” time. For example, if you’re a night person, it might be best to schedule doing all your “toughest” projects at night– at a time when you are most productive.

This doesn’t mean that you should schedule all your projects for the night time. During your free time, you can work on projects that are easy or require little effort.

8. Work slowly but carefully.

How does working slowly connect with time management? When you work slowly yet carefully, you commit fewer errors. Going back to the same project again and again due to little errors will eat up all your free time.

There is a very thin line between working slowly and carefully and working too slowly– the latter is often a symptom of procrastination. When you find yourself working too slowly, pause for a moment and check your to-do list once again and see if there is anything you can do that is fun or effortless. This will give your brain a break before going back to the harder tasks at hand.

9. Work with friends who know what to do.

It wouldn’t hurt to tap out a few friends of yours when working on projects you find difficult to finish. Instead of spending time figuring out the answer to an assignment your teacher asked you to do, ask a friend for a few tips and ideas to get the work done faster.

You might be tempted to borrow (and I use that term loosely) your friend’s answers– when this happens to you, don’t! That’s cheating and will not help you understand the lesson at all.

10. Set deadlines a day early on your calendar or organizer.

At the moment you jot down the new deadline, forget the original deadline and set it for one day earlier. This adds a sense of urgency into your routine. By setting the deadlines a day ahead, you will be encouraged to speed things up and waste little time on other things.

And guess what. When you finish your work early, you get to spend more time for leisure! Now, who said time management isn’t fun?


Study Buddies for the New School Year

First off, congratulations and welcome to a new school year! Are you ready for the challenge?

There’s no telling what’s in store this year, but one thing is for sure: it’s going to a busy year for you, with tons of homework and studying to do. To better organize your time, improve your study habits, and become a better student altogether, equip yourself with these amazing, must-have study buddies.

Colorful highlighters

When studying, it helps to highlight phrases, sentences or words that seem important to remember them better. Although underlining a certain sentence or phrase is a good alternative for emphasizing these key points, nothing beats the effect of colorful highlighters on your memory. According to experts, using blue highlighters can help you remember highlighted text best.

Executive organizer

With so many things to do and so many schedules to take note of, remembering all those dates, places, and figures is going to be a challenge. Don’t rely on your memory for these important school affairs. Instead, let an executive organizer do all the work for you. Simply jot the important dates down and make it a habit to check your organizer EVERDAY.

Alarm Clock

FACT– Professors HATE hearing this alibi from their students: “Sorry, I overslept.” Those who have dared to spew this reason more than once often win their teacher’s disdain.

Don’t be your professor’s worst nightmare– in return, don’t give your teacher a reason to keep his/her eyes on you. If punctuality has always been a problem of yours, this little alarm clock ought to help you with your time-management issues. Train your circadian rhythm to wake up at a certain time everyday by setting your alarm clock to ring at the same time everyday.

Spiral Notebooks

A student without a notebook is like a soldier heading off to war without ammo. To fare well in school, equip yourself with spiral notebooks with sturdy wires. One of the most common problems students face today is low quality school supplies, so be careful and choose only spiral notebooks with good wires.


Here’s what I do to spot “good” spiral notebooks from the ones that will most likely chip away or break before the school year ends: Simply take a notebook and try to pull the wires from the holes– if they detach themselves from the holes easily, it’s time to look for a better notebook.

Health Supplements for Better Performance

Being a student is difficult but don’t let your busy lifestyle keep you from living healthily. Busy students often spend hours on end engrossed in their studies or homework. Due to their crazy schedules, they stay up too late, wake up too early, and often depend on cheap and unhealthy fast food orders. Your body loses nutrients when you stress yourself out, so, to replenish these lost vitamins from your body, don’t forget to drink health supplements at least two times a day.


Getting A College Degree Is Now Easier For Those Who Were In Foster Care


Students from foster care don’t necessarily plan for college and university studies and how to pay for them. They’re often wondering where their next home might be, where their next meal might come from. They often worry about what will happen to them, and many have low self-confidence.

That’s how an author tells it. This young woman is a graduate of a St. Petersburg, Florida, college, and was in foster care for 10 years before she was adopted. The fact that she graduated from college puts her in the minority and financial aid advisers, she said, offer something to youngsters in foster care that’s a rarity: opportunities. There is unlimited amounts of information about scholarships and grants on the web.

As higher education goes, this woman and other foster care students are considered to be among those who are underrepresented. The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators posted an interview with her on its website in podcast format. The interviewer also cited findings from the Casey Family Foundation showing that, while 75 percent of foster care students aspire participating in college or university studies, fewer than 2 percent obtain bachelor’s degrees.

During 2008, information from the US Department of Health and Human Services shows, there were 460,000-plus kids in foster care at one point or another. One of the goals at Casey Family Programs is to reduce that number by 50 percent by 2020. In addition to working to prevent the need for foster care, Casey Family Programs works to improve it. A report on its website, from the Education Advisory Board in 2009, provides insight into the challenges and opportunities for foster care students at colleges and universities. Educating yourself all you can about student scholarships means smarter education decisions.

It’s important to provide foster care students with support in the areas of academics, emotions and financial aid, the Advisory Board report notes. The report is primarily based on research carried out at colleges and universities on the west coast of the United States. About 25 percent of all youngsters in foster care in the United States are in California, the report points out.

Foster care students at some colleges might find scholarship opportunities especially for them, the report suggests. In instances where dedicated scholarships aren’t available, there are often financial aid advisers who work specifically to help them locate grants and scholarships. The report emphasizes the importance of services, such as specialized academic advisers and drop-in centers.

Financial aid isn’t the only way to help students out of foster care succeed in obtaining a college or university degree. The Education Advisory Board report recommends having a point person assigned to students out of foster care – someone who can recruit people from financial aid as well as academic advising and counseling. The report also recommends that colleges and universities establish an advisory committee to provide feedback on programs for foster students and provide them priority campus housing opportunities, along with the opportunity to continue to reside on campus during breaks. Researching free scholarships and grants will work in your favor.

Counselors, from the time foster students are in high school, might also point them in the right direction, this woman suggested in the National Association of Student Financial Aid Advisers podcast. Foster care students have a lot of hopes and ideas, she noted. For them, she said, it might simply be a matter of not knowing where to look or who to ask for assistance.


Get Your College Degree With Financial Aid Help

Student loans were last year subject to overhaul. Financial aid in its entirety could be next, at least if US Department of Education Deputy Secretary Tony Miller has it his way. Miller wants financial aid to do more than provide students a means of accessing college and university studies. He wants it to help them obtain degrees.

Ever since the Obama Administration challenged Americans to increase the number of college and university degree holders so that the United States could reclaim its top ranking worldwide, educators and government officials have been focusing on degree completion. According to research from McKinsey & Company, the American economy in terms of 2008 output might have suffered more than $2 trillion as a result of the difference between the academic achievement of Americans and those of other countries. As a result of achievement gaps related to income levels, ethnicity and school systems, the report noted, the American economy might have suffered hundreds of billions of dollars in economic losses. There is a wealth of information about scholarships and grants on the web.

For the Obama Administration to reach its goal by 2020, the number of Americans obtaining college and university degrees, now at two in five, has to increase to three in five, Miller said during a Federal Student Aid conference in November. It’s possible to strengthen financial aid in ways other than making more money available, he said. Miller also pointed out that a McKinsey & Company report suggesting that colleges and universities increasing their average increasing their average degree productivity could help the goals of the Obama Administration be achieved.

To complete their bachelor’s degree programs, former students of a Colorado university are able to receive scholarships from the institution. These students can, depending upon the academic credits they need, receive scholarships of as much as $1,000 as part of what’s known as a “CU Complete” program. The Colorado University over the past 1.5 years has enrolled some 23 of more than 37 students contacted. As part of the CU Complete program, these 23 students have been provided scholarships totaling $23,000, an article in the Daily Camera newspaper noted. Colleges and universities, education groups and state governments are doing their part in trying to help students. Educating yourself all you can about student scholarships will mean better decisions for your education.

The non-profit College Board provides examples of policies in states such as Kentucky and Michigan, which respectively provide adults with financial aid information and as much as $5,000 in financial aid to complete two years of studies at community colleges; Virginia, where students receive $1,000 incentives to transfer to a four-year college or university to train for in-demand careers after obtaining an associate’s degree at a two-year college; and Oklahoma, where low-income students as part of a Promise Scholarship program agree to maintain a minimum 2.5 grade point average in demanding high school studies and complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

A group known as Excelencia in Education is focusing specifically on increasing the number of degree-holding Latinos. According to this group, Latinos – nearly 49 million of them – are the country’s largest ethnic or racial minority. By 2025, Excelencia in Education notes, nearly 25 percent of the population that’s college or university aged is expected to be Latino.

Miller suggested that financial aid administrators consider that their job responsibilities involve more than providing students entry to colleges and universities – that they involve helping students succeed. He provided examples of scholarships that, through their stipulations, affect graduation rates. HOPE scholarship programs that provide full in-state public college and university tuition to Arkansas and Georgia residents with minimum 3.0 grade point averages increased continued studies toward a bachelor’s degree by as much as 10 percent, he noted. West Virginia, in creating its Promise scholarship program, made it so that students have to take enough per semester courses so that they graduate on time, Miller noted. Researching free scholarships and grants will work in your favor.

Students who want to obtain federal scholarships and grants, as well as low-interest student loans, must first fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which the government has simplified. According to Miller, it should take applicants a little more than a half-hour to complete the application, which is available online. The number of completed applications might also increase as a result of a pilot project that the Department of Education is now working on. All of these efforts might come together to help increase the number of students who obtain degrees.


To Get Ahead These Days You Need A College Degree

Job stability is a big issue these days due to the high unemployment rate. When deciding upon a career, it can be beneficial to investigate which jobs either require a Bachelors degree or when this degree can make a difference for advancing up the corporate ladder, plus earning a better salary. If a Bachelor’s degree is needed, it can be obtained online by enrolling into the many programs available. The following are several examples when a Bachelor’s degree would be to your advantage. You can really get ahead with a little bit of looking into online college Bachelor degree on the internet to see how you can get started.

Nursing has the reputation of being one of the most stable professions to choose. Yes, there are men that become nurses too! It is possible to become a registered nurse with an Associate’s degree, but with the Bachelor’s degree, you are allowed to do more legally, plus you are able to advance into an administrative position.

Specialized occupations within the world of health-care that also provide a good income and security are Diagnostic Sonography and Nuclear Technology. Radiology techs and pharmacology techs are facing difficulties finding work because of the over abundance of personnel.

Going into the business industry can be a very tough to find any type of position without a Bachelor’s degree. Most companies look for their applicants to have a four year degree, especially in the areas of Finance, Marketing and administration. Almost all want their executives to have a Master’s degree for promotions. This industry has an overabundance of persons to choose from for every position so finding employment depends on what you have to offer. Preparing yourself with as much information on online Bachelors degrees as you can will help you face it with the best odds possible.

Another occupation for which a Bachelor’s degree is essential is engineering, even though achieving this is very difficult. There are also several sub-specialties within this field that might need more preparation, but you can make a good living from this degree.

Although we all appreciate the Arts, these fields are tough and only teachers are able to acquire stability in their employment. The humanities have the same problem, and ultimately a Master’s degree is the only way to find success. If you explore the sciences such as biology, chemistry and physics, most of the positions all need at least a Bachelor’s degree.

There are technical positions in the workforce that you only need to have a certificate to gain employment, however, again, there are a lot of people applying for them. If you are lucky enough to get one, the best way to secure yourself is getting a degree. Again, online degrees make it possible to be work during the day and study at night.

A great way to decide what you are going to do with your life is to pick a profession is to research varies occupations and their demand. In other words, choose the job first and then get the education needed for that job. Before taking the next step in your life you should consider searching for online education info anywhere you can find it.


Top Safety Tips For Students – Study In London

As a global capital city, London is generally not a dangerous place to live and study as long as you are streetwise. This article outlines some key points about safety whilst you study in London.

As far as physical safety is concerned, the majority of areas in London are perfectly safe during the day, provided that you are moderately sensible. It should be mentioned however that there may be a higher likelihood of encountering incidents of crime at night in some districts of London such as Wood Green, Harlesden, and Thamesmead where “street sense” is more important.

“Crime and Community Safety” is always maintained as a priority agenda item by The London Mayor and Greater London Authority (Metropolitan Police, London Development Agency, Transport for London and the London Fire Brigade) resulting in local initiatives being set up to standardize safety in London neighbourhoods for all people. The London Metropolitan police have recently released a crime map of London (maps.met.police.uk) which indicates levels and types of reported crime in any given area of London. Before you start your search for a place to live whilst you study in London, it may be worth while to refer to the “crime map” as a way of gauging the level of safety in a particular neighbourhood.

Above all, your safety is most important so it is certainly worth bearing in mind some pre-emptive measures until you become more familiar as a resident studying in London:

Safe Keeping of Personal Possessions

In your new home where you study in London, it is advisable to keep valuables away from public view and always lock doors and windows behind you when going out.

It is always advisable to keep separate copies of your passport, visa details, entry clearance and immigration stamps.

Never leave valuable property outdoors where there is a higher likelihood of it being stolen. Even when securely padlocked to a bike rack, some bike thieves will find a way of removing and taking bike frames, wheels or seats if seen to have any resell value.

Plan your Route

Most International, and even national, students who are new to study in London may be apprehensive when travelling on the London Transport Network. This is easily remedied by using (journeyplanner.tfl.gov.uk), a handy online resource which can assist you in finding your way around any part of London by simply mapping the most efficient route to your destination. It is highly recommended to plot and print out your journey using this practical tool before going anywhere in London and even more so before a night out.

Zip it

Bear in mind that thieves are most active around packed Underground stations, Shops, Restaurants and near to cash machines. Try and keep possessions such as your mobile phone or wallet on you rather than with you in a zipped pocket or bag held close to your body. It is more sensible to keep credit or debit cards and a limit of £50 of cash in your wallet. Carrying huge amounts of cash around with you is neither advisable or necessary, especially if you are here to study in London.

As a rule, safety is not a cause for concern when you live and study in London if you simply apply a bit of common sense and by being alert in your surroundings


English Composition Teaches Skills That Help Students Succeed

English Composition is one of the many required classes in college. It can be a difficult course for many due to its critical focus on writing; however, students who are prepared and research online masters to help them understand what the class is all about, as well as its necessity, may do well in both English Composition 1 and 2.

A class in English Composition is all about learning writing skills. Students will be expected to already have knowledge of essay writing; now, they will have a chance to perfect and build upon those skills. Grammar is usually not taught, but expected to be already understood. These classes will instead focus on types of and length in writing.

Learning to write well will be one of the most important aspects of college students’ careers. The writing skills taught in English Composition courses may be relied upon in many other college classes. Students will find that there may be fewer multiple choice exams; essay exams will take their place, as well as short answer questions in which students will have to explain in writing a particular concept or idea. Students will have to write papers galore for class after class, and English Composition will teach them how.

English Composition classes are also relevant to students’ futures after college. Writing skills develop communication skills, both of which are very significant in most careers. Those who communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, may be more likely to succeed. For example, now, everyone is expected to send cover letters with resumes. In both documents, grammar, sentence structure, and content all must be excellent. Also, most careers will require the writing of documentation and the preparation of speeches or presentations. It is best to learn these skills early on.

It is a good idea to prepare for these classes before taking them. To do so, it is recommended that students brush up on basic grammar and punctuation. They may also review the contents of essays, such as introduction, thesis statements, and so forth. There are many books available on the subject, available at any local or college library. Most colleges now also have writing centers with tutors who offer assistance in all things writing and grammar. It is essential for students to make use of them before the challenging Composition course even starts. When you are online you should also look up accredited online universities, to get to know more about your options.

Academic writing basics will be taught in English Composition 1. Professors may provide a brief review of mechanics and grammar usage, but most of the coursework will be in exposition. Students will be educated in all forms of essay writing, and will practice writing all types extensively.

English Composition 2 will teach students the basics of research writing. This will require that they be instructed in document citation styles, such as APA and MLA. The elements of writing literature papers may be discussed, and plenty of practice papers will be written.

Classes in English Composition are very beneficial to students’ futures. Therefore, it is important that they understand the concepts taught, for they will assist them enormously both in the remainder of their education and in their future careers. In addition, these classes can actually be quite enjoyable. Speak to a financial aid advisor about assistance with this class and your degree, then go online to look up online classes as well.


A College Degree Can Improve Your Chances Of Career Success

It may be a bit intimidating to think of the rest of your career, but the need to prepare is necessary. High school graduates face the rest of their lives head on, and have to make a lot of decisions regarding their futures. Looking to others that have successful careers for advice is a great place to start. Even if you do not wish to follow the same career path, they can help you determine what you will need to get your life on track.

If you make the decision to go to college, your years of studying will not go to waste. No matter which degree level you decide to pursue, your education will open doors for you in the job market. Holding a college degree will allow you to stay ahead of your competition when you are searching for a job. Researching online Master degree will increase your chances of success.

If you choose to enter an Associate’s program for now, and pursue your four year degree later or you are unsure of which degree program to enter, having two years of college courses under your belt will set you apart from other applicants. If you decide to move forward with another degree at any time in the future, you will only need to complete two more years of coursework before you achieve a Bachelor’s degree.

A Bachelor’s degree is a four year commitment. Although this may seem like a lot of time to spend in school, a degree of this level will be rewarded through a salary boost or a better position. If you have previously earned an Associate’s degree, you will be automatically accepted into a public state university where you can spend just two extra years and receive a 4 year degree. Checking out the web for more information about Master degree programs saves time and money.

If you would like to dedicate four years to your education, a Bachelor’s degree is a great use of your time. After working at this level, you may be open to the idea of a Master’s degree. If not, a Bachelor’s degree is a valuable asset for you and your career and should take you far.

An important aspect of your education is the opportunity to complete internships. Although you will work for free, consider this time an apprenticeship, a time to learn a new trade from a professional in the field you wish to enter. Internships are a great way to prove your dedication to learning and advancing in your career field, as well as a great way to make professional contacts. After graduation when you are looking for a job, you can get in touch with the contacts that you have made in order to network and secure employment.

If you are interested in furthering your education but do not have the time to commit to a full time course load, there are online programs that allow you to take classes at your own pace. Perhaps there are scholarships you will qualify for that will allow you to pay little to no tuition out of pocket. Search online scholarship banks in order to find programs that allot money for tuition.  Keeping abreast of the most recent information about online Masters degrees is a good idea.

Keep in mind that the years you spend in school will ultimately lead to more opportunities later down the road. The expense is a cost that will equal out with a higher salary and more benefits if you do obtain a job using your degree.


You Got It Right About The World Of Accreditation And Online Universities

Accreditation is a crucial part of the online university and college world because, to put it bluntly, there isn’t any point in spending a load of time and effort on a project, and that might include a web education, if one was to find out thereafter that it’s pointless. Sadly , there are plenty of fake online colleges out there which will put you thru the effort of working but finally only wants to take you money and run. I am sure that you have heard of the sites that you can actually buy a degree at, well universities that are not accredited are a bit like that but unfortunately do not have any morals. They’re going to ask you to submit work, complete tests and the like and so will give you a good dose of heart ache simultaneously.

It’s important to test out a university’s commissioned status before you start to contemplate applying, not to mention essentially apply, because you’ll have to send a charge or deposit with the application. Licensed standing should be put on the school default home page and the “about us” page that any school that operates online should have. It should be easily recognisable as a seal of accreditation. If it is not then you may have to search a little bit more on the website. But rule number one is if there is not any accreditation at all on the web school web site then walk off. If none are displayed than the possibility is they don’t have commissioned standing to start with.

However, any seal of accreditation can be easily investigated to ensure that it is genuine. A simple Google search should reveal as to whether or not the company that have given an online school accreditation actually exists and indeed its own credentials. It is important that you trace it back to who has actually set it up, when it was established and whether or not it is affiliated with another academic body or not. As an example, the Varsity of Phoenix, displays its accreditation for everyone to see. If you then analyzed the source, you would find it is basically part of the Texas schooling system and the Texas tutorial system also. This should give you peace of mind to know that all of your efforts will not be in vain if you do choose to attend this university instead of another one further down the line.

Accreditation should mean a lot to the average individual that does choose to take an online course as it could mean the difference between a good future and a sour one because you didn’t bother to examine it in the first instance and, the fact that lots of you hard-earned money has vanished, leaving you with nothing whatsoever to show for it. The golden rule is to never ever choose a school that has a fake accreditation because employers could dig up that information and it could prevent you from getting the job that you have always wanted. This is by no means fair on you but unfortunately is the brutal truth. Accreditation is everything in the world of web education. Without it, all that you are left with is a bit of paper.
